What Do Diamond Push-Ups Work? | Fitness Insights

Diamond push-ups are an advanced variation of the traditional push-up, which emphasizes different muscle groups by changing body positioning. They are body-weight exercises that you can do almost anywhere.

“Your hand placement makes a difference,” said Paul Longworth, A.T.C., C.S.C.S. “To do a diamond push-up, bring your thumbs and index fingers together in front of your chest, creating a diamond shape.”

Although this change may not seem significant, it alters the press’s weight distribution. Smaller muscles are used in diamond push-ups, which generally makes the exercise harder.

After you’ve mastered the standard push-ups, they’re a great addition to your exercise arsenal, according to Kahului, Hawaii-based ATG-certified coach Geoffrey Blake. “Learning various iterations of a workout adds diversity. Our journey toward strength and health is kept interesting by variety.

Which Muscles Are Used in Diamond Push-Ups?

According to Blake, “Diamond push-ups engage the triceps more than a standard push-up.” “The placement of the narrow hands places more strain on the arms than the chest.”

Diamond push-ups are a “perfect fit for someone looking to gain triceps strength with calisthenic movements,” according to Longworth. But it’s not just about the triceps. As with regular push-ups, this exercise works your pecs, deltoids, and core. Put form first if you want to get the most out of diamond push-ups.

Blake stated, “Every muscle you use to brace for a rock-solid plank contributes to executing great reps.” “Your quads, abs, upper back, and glutes are among these.”

Benefits of Push-Ups with Diamonds

The best thing about body-weight exercises in general, and diamond push-ups in particular, is that you can perform them practically anywhere, even without access to gym equipment. Push-ups have many advantages. They are also adaptable.

Diamond push-ups are useful for building muscle mass, stamina, and strength in athletes, according to Blake. Establish your fitness objectives and modify the rep range and variation (more on that later). While lower volume and more difficult variations will help you build strength, more repetitions will help you build muscular endurance.

The Diamond Push-Up Technique

  1.  Assume a firm plank position and place your hands right beneath your shoulders to perform a diamond push-up. Verify that your heels, hips, and shoulders are all in alignment.

Blake said, “I think about creating the rigidity of a board when [you] set up for a plank.” To keep your plank posture, make sure your quads, glutes, and core are braced.

  1. After that, Longworth said, “Walk your hands together so that your thumbs and index fingers touch to make a diamond shape.” This is the highest-ranking position. “Your shoulders will be in front of your hands, and your hands will be under your chest when looking from the side,” Blake explained.
  1. According to Longworth, “Bend your elbows to lower yourself until your hands meet the center of your chest at sternum level while keeping your arms tight against your sides.” This is the lowest position.
  1. Then, Blake instructed, “Press up, breathing out forcefully as you ascend.” Recall to keep your elbows close to your rib cage as you push off the ground to regain your top position.

Diamond Push-Up Styles

“Most people can do this movement if they start at the appropriate progression or regression,” said Blake. Thus, you can adjust the standard diamond push-up if it feels too easy or too hard.

A variation that is easier to perform is the incline diamond push-up. Raise your hands to a surface, such as the back of a table, bench, or couch, to begin. “Anything sturdy,” Blake remarked. “It is easier the higher [the angle].” Diamond push-ups performed on your knees are also a fantastic option; just make sure your knees, hips, and shoulders are all in alignment and your core is working.

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“You can slow down the tempo of the movement to make diamond push-ups more challenging,” Blake advised. For instance, lower yourself for three seconds, hover your chest above your hands for one second, and then raise yourself back up for three more seconds.

As an alternative, you could increase the resistance by wearing a weighted plate on your back, a resistance band, or a vest. Blake clarified, “These are appropriate progressions when you’ve nailed the movement.” If your form falters, go back to a simpler version.


Do diamond pushups grow arms?

No, they won’t do much for your biceps; instead, they target the triceps. However, the triceps are the primary muscle responsible for increasing the size of your arms, so diamond pushups can help you achieve that goal.

Do diamond push-ups get you big?

The diamond push-up is a popular variation, and not just because the name implies great gains. On the surface, it appears to be a simple calisthenics exercise, but with practice, you’ll discover that it’s an excellent tool for building muscle mass in your chest, shoulders, and triceps.

Can diamond push-ups build biceps?

The diamond push-up does not engage the biceps sufficiently to stimulate muscle growth. Instead, the diamond push-up targets the triceps. To fully comprehend why the diamond push-up may not be the best option for targeting the biceps, we must first understand their anatomy.

What pushups grow arms?

Moving your hands closer together allows you to more specifically target your biceps. To start moving: Get into the standard pushup position, keeping your torso stiff and your neck neutral. Bring your hands close together, leaving only a few inches between them.

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